
September 04, 2010

There's always time:)

Life is a joy! Its a delicious mish mash of 20 different things all vying for your attentions...but what is No. 1 priority?
If you are not happy, calm and fulfilled from inside,you can't make anyone happy.Period!

You need to pamper yourself completely!Its easy beyond any imagination...and I can guarentee you 100% success in getting ALL your stresses out of your way.

Don't believe me ,do you?

Ok-here goes-all of life's stresses can be solved by a few simple things:
-A Pen
-A Notebook
-One measure of complete trust in yourself:)
-Oh-and respect for your own inner self.

Thats it!!

Everytime you are faced with 15 different things to do-whip out the pen and notebook and create a list
-starting with the most crucial ones petering down in importance:)

-Respect your abilities by writing expected time to complete them-one by one-and start off after a hot cup of Excellent Darjeeling Tea(I did say,pamper yourself"??).

-Carry the tea in a party glass,if you do not have the time to sip it slowly.

-Tick each job once completed.The trick is to NOT look down the list anymore.

-Do NOT call friends,detour at your favorite jewellery showroom or admire yourself in shop windows till done.

-You need to motivate yourself in the middle? Have a Snickers in your bag handy at all times:)

I have a list stuck to my refrig which goes:

When you do not have a maid....:

-Reach Home Safe(Don't Hurry:)-45 mins
-Have a shower-20 mins
-Prepare Sambhar and Rice and Veggies(or Maggi/Upma with Raita,if late:))-30 mins
-Fix the bedroom/kidz room while listening to radio-15 mins
-Check on Homework for Ana-30 mins
-Get Ana to pack school bag and polish her shoes while you transfer food into bowls and set the Dining Table-15 mins
-Make Ana eat dinner,brush her teeth,sleep-30 mins
-Prepare basics for breakfast and lunch-20 mins
-Time to relax-30 mins(Call Mom,Fix your nails,pick your dress for tomorrow,Nimbu Pani)
-Fix the alarm and sleep:))...NOW
ONE at a Time :)

It works.Never give mundane things the power to take away your peace of mind.

The Platinum Rule of Life is "Life is given to you to cherish and enjoy-breathe easy-one breath at a time.Work easy-one thing at a time-you can never do two things together anyway-why worry about more than one thing at a time?

There won't be any mood swings if your work gets done on time.Simpul na...?

Oh...and continue to read comix...and happily snuggle upto the man and the children in your life.

Take care:))

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